Banjir burukkan lagi inflasi di China
Torrential rain that has lashed China for weeks has killed dozens more people in China's west and forced authorities to close shipping locks on the massive Three Gorges Dam, officials said on Tuesday. Picture taken July 19-20, 2010. REUTERS
Torrential rain that has lashed China for weeks has killed dozens more people in China's west and forced authorities to close shipping locks on the massive Three Gorges Dam, officials said on Tuesday. Picture taken July 19-20, 2010. REUTERS
Torrential rain that has lashed China for weeks has killed dozens more people in China's west and forced authorities to close shipping locks on the massive Three Gorges Dam, officials said on Tuesday. Picture taken July 19-20, 2010. REUTERS
Pic source/more pic: http://www.businessinsider.com/stunning-photos-of-chinas-worst-flood-in-a-decade-2010-7#the-three-gorges-dam-discharges-water-to-control-lake-levels-9#ixzz1Q2oj0a00
Pic source/more pic: http://www.businessinsider.com/stunning-photos-of-chinas-worst-flood-in-a-decade-2010-7#the-three-gorges-dam-discharges-water-to-control-lake-levels-9#ixzz1Q2oj0a00
HONG KONG 22 Jun - Banjir terburuk di China dalam tempoh beberapa dekad dijangka menyebabkan harga makanan dan kadar inflasi meningkat lagi di negara yang memiliki ekonomi kedua terbesar di dunia itu.
Harga pengguna China naik 5.5 peratus pada bulan lepas berbanding setahun lalu ke paras tertinggi dalam tempoh 34 bulan, disebabkan kos makanan yang melonjak, sebahagiannya berpunca daripada cuaca buruk di seluruh negara tersebut, lapor agensi berita Korea Selatan,Yonhap hari ini dengan memetik pegawai kerajaan di Beijing.
Kadar inflasi China meningkat lebih 5 peratus untuk tiga bulan berturut-turut, lebih tinggi daripada sasaran kerajaan iaitu empat peratus setahun.
Banjir buruk selama berminggu-minggu disebabkan hujan lebih berpanjangan di seluruh selatan China menyebabkan banyak kawasan di wilayah Hubei dan Zhejiang, termasuk lebih 432,200 hektar tanah pertanian ditenggelami air.
Menurut kerajaan China, sekurang-kurangnya 175 orang terbunuh dan 86 lagi hilang akibat bencana itu.
Pegawai pertanian di wilayah Zhejiang, timur China berkata, pengeluaran sayur-sayuran di sana merosot 20 peratus berbanding setahun lalu disebabkan banjir.
"Harga sayur-sayuran dijangka terus meningkat atau tetap tinggi selama kira-kira dua minggu," kata seorang pegawai kerajaan di Zhejiang, Jin Changlin.
Harga makanan menjadi punca utama kenaikan keseluruhan Indeks Harga Pengguna (CPI) bulan lepas, yang melonjak 11.7 peratus dalam tempoh setahun.
Kos makanan meningkat pada kadar dua angka untuk lima bulan berturut-turut, menyumbang 65 peratus kepada inflasi keseluruhan.
Banjir tersebut menyusuli kemarau buruk selama kira-kira 200 hari yang melanda tengah China di sepanjang Sungai Yangtze, menjejaskan lebih 1.3 juta hektar tanah pertanian di tujuh wilayah yang menjadi pengeluar utama makanan di negara itu. - Bernama
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Flood-hit China bracing for more rain
Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:23pm AESTThe worst-hit areas across southern and central China have already been evacuated of millions of people. (AFP: Unknown)
Heavy rain in southern China is deepening a flooding crisis that has seen at least 168 dead or missing and millions of people forced to flee rising waters.
The weather forecast in flooded regions is for more heavy rain over the next three days.
The worst-hit areas across southern and central China have already been evacuated of millions of people.
Just weeks ago Hubei, Anhui and Zhejiang were in the middle of their worst drought in decades - now there is a flooding emergency.
The army has been mobilised to help with rescue and relief efforts.
Ten major rivers are set to burst their banks and failed vegetable crops are forcing up food prices.
China has heavy rain every summer, and these floods have come before the real typhoon season has started.
"Severe floods triggered by heavy rains will continue to threaten parts of southern China," water resources minister Chen Lei said on Sunday.
"There is an increasing possibility that downpours, with enhanced frequency and intensity, will continue to lash regions in the south."
Heavy rains since Saturday have caused the river's water levels to rise sharply, with the Lan reaching its highest mark since 1966.
More than nine million people have been somehow affected by the rain and flooding in Hubei, Jiangxi and Zhejiang provinces.
Source:http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/06/20/3248780.htm?section=world_________________banjir di China__________End
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