Thursday, May 12, 2011



Now quake journey to Spain....the historic TV news..oh my GOD!

Spain quake: Bell tower crashes down 

on live TV

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Earthquake in Lorca, Spain
People in the Spanish town of Lorca are finding out what damage has been done after a major earthquake hit the area on Wednesday evening.
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ANGGOTA penyelamat bertungkus-lumus mencari mangsa di celah sisa runtuhan bangunan yang musnah akibat gempa bumi berukuran 5.3 mangnitud melanda Lorca, di selatan Sepanyol, lewat malam tadi. Laporan awal menyebut lapan orang maut manakala banyak bangunan warisan, gereja dan bangunan awam runtuh. - Foto REUTERS
May 12, 2011 8:47 am

Thousands flee Spain quake town

Thursday, 12 May 2011
Thousands of people, fearing more earthquakes, spent the night outside in Lorca (AP)
Thousands of people, fearing more earthquakes, spent the night outside in Lorca (AP)

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Thousands of Spaniards have fled the town of Lorca after two earthquakes killed nine people and caused extensive damage.

Lorca, which has a population of about 90,000, was transformed into a ghost town with a steady stream of cars carrying residents fearful of aftershocks to nearby cities and towns.
Shops, restaurants and schools were closed and the sirens of police vehicles and ambulances filled the air while helicopters hovered overhead.
Tens of thousands of residents slept outside in makeshift camps or on the streets following the quakes on Wednesday night, choosing not to venture home amid fears of further tremors.
Only a few buildings were destroyed, but the quakes - with magnitudes of 4.4 and 5.2 - sent brick building facades and parts of terraces plunging into the streets and caused damage to hundreds of apartment buildings.
"The whole facade and the stairs of the apartment where I live are totally broken," said resident Tomas Hinojo. "The hardest things happened right where I live. Three of the victims killed are my neighbours."
Spanish experts said the second quake caused the most damage, and its power was more destructive than many quakes of similar magnitude because its epicentre was on the outskirts of Lorca and because it happened at the very shallow depth of about 0.6 miles below ground.
The dead included one child, three of those in hospital were in serious condition, and an additional 260 were treated for light injuries and shock immediately after the quakes, the regional government's health department said.
Lorca is now filled with cars crushed by rubble and buildings scarred with cracks as government teams of architects and surveyors fanned out throughout the city, inspecting buildings and painting them with colour codes.
Red means dangerous and uninhabitable buildings, yellow warns residents to take caution when entering and green is painted on safe structures.

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Worst Spain Quake Since 1954 Kills Eight as Europe Debates Nuclear Safety


Earthquakes Hit Southeastern Spanish Town of Lorca
A man looks at cars crashed by debris from a collapsed building in Lorca. Photographer: Jorge Guerrero/AFP/Getty Images

Spain’s biggest earthquake in 57 years damaged a town and killed nine people, hours before European regulators met to set criteria for nuclear-plant safety tests ordered because of Japan’s quake-related atomic disaster.
Temblors measuring 4.4 and 5.2 yesterday injured 293 people, three seriously, the regional government said in a statement on its website. They were centered in Lorca in the Mediterranean coastal region of Murcia and caused a “large amount” of damage to property, the national government said.
5.2m Earthquake Hits town of Lorca, Southeast Spain
At least 10 people have been killed in an earthquake which has rattled the ancient town of Lorca ,Southeastern Spain.
The moderate quake, which measures 5.1 on the Richter scale, came following a smaller, 4.4 magnitude quake just hours before.
Historic churches and public buildings have reportedly collapsed or been damaged in the ancient town.
This is the first fatal earthquake to hit Spain since 1997.
Earthquake kills 10 in historic Spain town (video)
May 13, 2011
Rescue efforts ... Ambulance officers tend to injured people in Lorca. Residents spent the night outside after a magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck at 7.47pm local time.
Rescue efforts ... Ambulance officers tend to injured people in Lorca. Residents spent the night outside after a magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck at 7.47pm local time. Photo: AP
MADRID: At least 10 people have been killed and dozens injured after an earthquake shook south-eastern Spain, toppling historic buildings in the mediaeval town of Lorca.
The magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck at 7.47pm on Wednesday and was felt across the Murcia region, from Alicante to Malaga and as far away as Madrid.
The epicentre was registered in the Tercia mountain range close to the town of Lorca, where the destroyed buildings included a mediaeval church bell tower.

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