Really ....reading this articles (below)...make my eyes wet,really touch deep inside .....I dont know why...When I watch a Japanese film..like Samurai...they dare to kill their self if their mission are failed..They rather die for their country,king and honour....same like Kamikaze in World war 2.They sacrifice their life for Japan victory!Now ,when Japan in really at bad situation,crisis and needed..Fukushima 50 was arised,maybe there's involved a quit much money for it but I know they do it not becoz of that!They do that for their future and their responsibility for their country.We must learn from Japan how that country can born the loyalty citizen like that.
I'm a muslim...in my country ,everyday a newpaper and magazine will rise a political issue,a muslim defame each other,everybody talking about a delicious food at their blog,magazine even at mosque...This a few month they always talking about an issue that never give me a profit,make my life changes and I'm still like this...and the goverment staff still fighting for their allowance or whatever.As at basic,price still straight up more and more each month.What a mess...that why I'm stop reading for a few years and pretending my ears is dumb.Until.....until last year I'm become a blogger...I start reading again ....
Back to Japan...In Islam if got a people truly died for their creator,religion and country as well,their will be called DIE IN SYAHID...and their soul will be straigthway to heaven.Wallahu'alam(Just Allah Knows).
For FUKUSHIMA 50...I'm proud to be an Asia...with full respect,all hand salute....you all are LAGEND ....for sure ..greatest than a ninja,samurai or kamikaze...even if your mission is fail and your country was damages...your spirit and honour will be their ,expand in your next generation.FUKUSHIMA 50...PRAY FOR YOUR VICTORY!SALUTE!!!
(My English is not very good..but I hope my message will be understood.)
“I am not afraid to die. That is my job.”—A faceless worker said.
The magnitude 9.0 earthquake on March 11 in Japan raises a worldwide concern. The damages caused by this disaster spiked to unprecedented levels after the nuclear power plant leakage. In the most danger’s time, 50 plant workers risk their lives to make the last defense at troubled Fukushima nuclear power plant. Experts refer to nuclear safeguards, which 50 people for a long time to work in conditions of strong radiation, of which 70% of the staff may be dead within 2 weeks.
They are named as Fukushima 50
On the morning of March 16, the second explosion at Reactor No.1 of Fukushima nuclear plant occurred ensuing meltdown. The 50 workers were assigned to evacuate, but as the radiation levels decreased, they went back to nuclear plant, risking their lives to cool down the reactor by pumping water from the sea directly into it. They're also equipped with state-of-the-art gear designed to protect them from exposure -- but those are weak safeguards against high levels of radiation exposure. The selfless workers not afraid of death have won the precious time for other rescue operations. The Tokyo Electric Company has not provided their names. Media and netizens call them the Fukushima 50!

At the risk of life, love in the world
Men of Sacrifice, who dare to die. We never lack true man of sacrifice in the danger’s time. They are the back which ensures the being of mankind. In 1986, the Chernobyl reactor blew up in Ukraine. A monument has been erected in Chernobyl to memorize the firemen who lost their lives in this disaster. It says “For those who saved the world…” The same words are for the 50 selfless workers.
What the Fukushima 50 defends is not only the Japanese nation’s safety, but also for all mankind. They risk their lives in exchange for miracle that all people escape the reactor explosion disaster. The unexpected disaster brought miserable and dark timer but the brilliance of humanity in difficult situations can always bring us light and onward impulses.
The selfless spirit and love showed by the 50 heroic figures has touched everyone in the world. The toughness of life and brilliance of humanity showed up in the disaster are more striking that disaster itself.
This is my job
They know this, so these people are the real heroes." “I would not regret dying for it a thousand times,” for the mission, for the sense of mission.
This love is a kind of universal love, a value that all SBMers comply with. There are different explanations for love. In the face of disaster, human beings are an entirety. In this case, love is a sympathetic concern and support, a respect to life and responsibility to work without any national, historic or territorial border, and a universal love inspired by the mission of the future.
Read more:http://www.unisbm.com/news/news25.php
"My son and his colleagues have discussed it at length and they have committed themselves to die if necessary to save the nation...," the woman said.
read more:http://www.hindustantimes.com/Fukushima-50-ready-to-die/Article1-680319.aspx
When I wrote and do this post...my eyes really wet ..you must read all the articles..its really touchy!!
"My son and his colleagues have discussed it at length and they have committed themselves to die if necessary to save the nation...," the woman said.
read more:http://www.hindustantimes.com/Fukushima-50-ready-to-die/Article1-680319.aspx
50 pekerja nuklear sanggup mati
TOKYO - Ibu salah seorang pekerja loji nuklear Fukushima Daiichi yang rosak akibat gegaran gempa bumi kuat menyatakan anaknya dan pekerja lain menjangkakanmereka akan meninggal dunia akibat terkena radiasi tinggi, lapor sebuah akhbar semalam.
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In this photo taken on on March 18, 2011 and released on Wednesday, March 23, 2011 by Tokyo Electric Power Co. via Kyodo News, workers connect transmission lines to restore electric power supply to Unit 3 and Unit 4 at the tsunami-crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Okumamachi, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. (AP Photo/Tokyo Electric Power Co. via Kyodo News) Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-fukushima-50-2011-3?op=1#ixzz1IKBkmNbJ |
Anaknya itu merupakan antara 50 pekerja loji jana kuasa nuklear tersebut yang terdedah pada kadar radioaktif yang tinggi semasa melakukan kerja-kerja untuk menyejukkan reaktor selepas rosak akibat gegaran kuat hempa bumi pada 11 Mac lalu.
Gegaran kuat itu berlaku akibat gempa bumi yang berlaku di timur laut Jepun dekat dengan loji nuklear tersebut yang mencetuskan ombak tsunami.
Menurut ibu tersebut, semua pekerja yang berhempas-pulas menyelamatkan loji tersebut daripada menyebarkan radiasi menjangkakan mereka akan meninggal dunia dalam tempoh beberapa minggu lagi.
Ibu itu yang bercakap menerusi jurubahasa melalui telefon berkata kepada stesen televisyen Fox News: "Anak lelaki saya dan rakan-rakannya telah membincangkan dengan panjang lebar dan mereka komited untuk mati jika ia perlu untuk menyelamatkan negara.
"Dia (anak lelakinya) telah menerima sepenuh hati bahawa mereka kemungkinan akan mati akibat sakit disebabkan radiasi dalam tempoh jangka pendek atau kanser dalam tempoh jangka panjang.
First Pictures Of Fukushima 50 Reveal Dark, Cramped Work Conditions
Initially, the Fukushima 50 – the name given to the 180 nuclear plant workers working in shifts to keep the plant’s reactors cool – were shrouded in mystery, their identities kept hidden from the publicat the request of the plant’s management. Now, however, photo from inside the plant have allowed the public a glimpse at the conditions these workers must face every day.
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The workers work by flashlight inside the plant. |
According to the UK’s Daily Mail, five of the workers are believed to have died on the job, with 15 others reported injured.
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Photos reveal their working environment to be dark, cramped and rife with debris from the recent earthquake. Raed more/see more:http://www.mediaite.com/online/first-pictures-of-fukushima-50-reveal-dark-cramped-work-conditions/ |
When I wrote and do this post...my eyes really wet ..you must read all the articles..its really touchy!!
hmmmm... mmg sedih kalau nk di bandingkan dgn megara kita yg saling bermusuhan...
mg warga Jepun terus tabah....
tulis orang putih bro..huhu..apa pun..tq ..hang come back ye
Melati Qistyna's Mummy;hmmmm..itulah yg sedihnyer..
Abu Luqman;aku harap mesej aku sampai...saja nak bagi otak gerak..lagipun aku nak bagitau seluruh dunia tentang kehebatan org2 asia...!
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