Nak tergelakpun ada bila baca mamat nie (tak kenal)..bacalah mesj dia..bila fikir betul2 ada logiknya dan perkara ini tak boleh dipandang sebelah mata...buat kat atas padang jer lagi baikkan...

Mat Cikaro ·
Top Commenter · Pemimpin diri sendiri at Usaha sendiri

SAYA CADANGKAN KEPADA KERAJAAN SATUUU MALAYSIA... jangan buat siasatan ditempat tinggi... buat pejabat SPRM di rumah teres setingkat ajer... kalau jatuh pun hanya luka kecik ajer... sudah 2 orang maaa...
Pegawai kastam mati jatuh bangunan SPRM

Seorang pegawai kastam yang membantu siasatan kes rasuahditemui mati dipercayai jatuh dari tingkat tiga bangunan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) di Jalan Cochrane di ibu negara pagi ini.

Pegawai kanan itu membantu siasatan membabitkan cukai tidak dibayar dan telah dibebaskan dengan ikat jamin dua hari lalu.
Pengarah penyiasatan SPRM Mustafar Ali berkata, Allahyarham Ahmad Sarbani ditahan pada 1 April lalu berhubung dakwaan rasuah dan pengubahan wang haram.
Penahanan itu dibuat di Klang.
Ahmad Sarbani kemudiannya dilepaskan pada 2 April lalu pada jam 12.30 petang.
Lelaki itu datang semula ke pejabat SPRM di Jalan Cochrane di Kuala Lumpur untuk bertemu seorang pegawai penyiasat berhubung kesnya, kata Mustafar lagi.

Bagaimanapun, apabila balik semula ke situ, dia mendapati pegawai Kastam tidak ada, kata Mustafar lagi.

Operasi berkenaan dijalankan oleh satu tindakan bersama oleh SPRM, JKDM, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri dan Bank Negara.
Seorang lagi dikesan mempunyai lebih RM1 bilion manakala dua lagi yang ditahan mempunyai lebih RM500,000 di dalam akaun masing-masing.
Salah seorang pegawai kastam yang ditahan dalam operasi itu dikesan mempunyai wang berjumlah beberapa juta di dalam akaunnya.source/read more:
Customs officer found dead at FT MACC office (updated)
The Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) office in Kuala Lumpur, where a Selangor Customs assistant director was found dead on the first floor badminton court this morning. Bernama Photo Read more: Customs officer found dead at FT MACC office (updated) |
MACC investigation director Datuk Mustafar Ali told a news conference that the body of Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed, 56, was found at 10.15am.
He said Ahmad Sarbani came to the MACC office at 8.26am, riding a motorcycle alone, to discuss his case but because the officers were in a meeting at that time, he waited at the lobby until 9.30am.
He said Ahmad Sarbani came to the MACC office at 8.26am, riding a motorcycle alone, to discuss his case but because the officers were in a meeting at that time, he waited at the lobby until 9.30am.
An officer then took him to a room on the third floor and accompanied him there until 10.15am before making his way out to get the investigating officer to meet him.
"He returned to the room several minutes later and found that Ahmad Sarbani was not there. He went looking for him in the premises and found the body on the first floor," he said.
It is understood that Ahmad Sarbani came voluntarily to the newly-completed MACC office.
It is understood that Ahmad Sarbani came voluntarily to the newly-completed MACC office.
About 50 Customs officers offer tahlil prayer at the at Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan while waiting for the post mortem results. NST Crime Desk Photo. "The MACC confirms that he was among the customs officers arrested on Friday at 1pm at the North Port Customs Office, Port Klang," he said. |
Mustafar said Ahmad Sarbani, who worked at the Port Klang customs office, was released on bail on Saturday at 12.30pm after giving his statement and had left the MACC office following his release.
Mustafar said the MACC had informed the deceased's family and that the commission would leave it to the police to investigate.
Mustafar told a news conference on Saturday that the MACC had arrested 62 customs officers allegedly for involvement in corruption, money laundering and other offences.
Read more: Customs officer found dead at FT MACC office (updated)
hmmmm, tah lah... xtau nk komen aper, tol gak tu, buat jer kt umah teres, xyah yg tingkat tinggi....huhuhuh
Melati Qistyna's Mummy;atau buat rumah takder tingkap untuk soal siasat..huhu
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