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Misissippi River Flooding:Spillway more powerfull than Niagara Falls

Mississippi River Flooding: More Floodgates Opened at the Morganza Spillway
May 16, 2011
The Army Corps of Engineers opened two additional gates at the Mississippi River's Morganza Spillway today, unleashing a wall of water which is now flowing into the spillway at a rate greater than that of Niagara Falls, more than 100,000 cubic feet per second.
At that rate it would take just over an hour and a half to cover the entire island of Manhattan in a foot of water. So far only 11 of the 125 gates have been opened and the Corps plans to open more as the river rises.
The Corps began flooding the spillway on Saturday, opening the floodgates for the first time in 40 years. The goal is to divert the record high waters of the Mississippi away from Baton Rouge and New Orleans, choosing to risk smaller communities in an attempt to avert disaster in the most populous cities.
The Mississippi River crest is not expected to arrive at the Morganza spillway for at least a week and mandatory evacuations are already under way in many places. Neighborhoods in the water's path have turned to ghost towns with sheriff's deputies and members of the National Guard going door to door telling residents to pack up and get out.
Source/Read more/more video:http://abcnews.go.com/US/mississippi-river-flooding-floodgates-opened-morganza-spillway/story?id=13613998
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